From Design to Loom to Suit Creating your own Bespoke Huntsman Tweed
Heritage starts here
For more than a hundred years Huntsman has created distinctive tweed collections. Now it’s your turn. Choose a design and pick out your colours: we’ll put all our expertise and technical know-how at your disposal for the tweed to take shape on an antique loom in the mills of Scotland. From your 30-metre bolt will come a Huntsman jacket bespoke to you, and the opportunity to outfit generations to come. A tweed unique to your family. An experience to treasure.

The romance of tweed
The wool from Shetland sheep, the weave from a local mill and the colours from mountains, moors and lowlands: tweed is a fabric deeply rooted in the land. Landowners, hunters, ghillies: all would feel not simply protected from the vagaries of the Scottish weather, they’d experience a connection with their surroundings too.I look at our archives and I see the land in the tweed. The pinks and greys of granite, the purple and browns of heather and moor - Campbell Carey, Creative Director
Huntsman’s contemporary collections bring that tradition bang up to date, with the lighter weights, bolder designs and imaginative use of colour that suit modern life. Where once a Scottish laird would choose colours that merged like camouflage into his land, now a client might pick out three distinctive yarns to represent each of his sons. Our reasons change, the creative process remains the same.
A unique collaboration
When it comes to creating your unique tweed design, the legendary Huntsman archive will act as our starting point. In these vintage cloths you’ll find checks like herringbone, Prince of Wales, barleycorn, houndstooth – names to conjure with – and colour and pattern combinations to inspire. An extensive collection of yarn cards will open a new world of choices to you, for base colour and overcheck. Putting your choices into a computer we’ll see your tweed take shape, adjusting size, scale, repeats and the direction of the weave at the click of a button. The design will then be mapped onto a garment, to see how it will look when finished. Only when it’s just how you want it to be, will your tweed design be sent to the mill for production.We’ve got a ledger that shows every piece of cloth ever commissioned for Huntsman. I’m always going back to it, it’s so inspiring, you really see what works - Campbell Carey, Creative Director
Part of an exclusive club
Every Huntsman suit is as unique as its wearer. When that suit is cut from tweed you designed, available in a run of only 30 metres: that is a feeling no one else can experience. A private luxury only you can understand. An heirloom only you can pass on. Whether it’s the Scottish highlands, your favourite whisky or your school colours - what will inspire you?
Be bold, get inspired
Follow the path of the many notable and beloved Huntsman clients such as Leo Daly, Robert Couturier, Sir John Richardson and Hamish Bowles by creating your own Bespoke Huntsman Tweed. Be bold, get inspired. What will your design be?
The very sight and handle of these cloths have a Proustian power to transport the imagination to the majestic moors and the rugged coastlines of the Highlands and Islands - Nick Foulkes